"I went to Illinois today for the Disaster Relief Dog test. It was an incredible experience. Hardest testing we ever did. Started at 8am and finished at 6pm. There was everything from Helicopter landing 50 feet from the dog, firemen with their darth vadar masks with oxygen, boat rides and smashing dog on dog in a bus. Literally. Java just shined at everything.
There are about only 60 of these dogs in the nation. She is such a good dog. She was the crowd favorite (including with the German judge). We started with 21 dogs and ended up with 10. Big group actually.
So thanks again for this dog. She is so incredibly special and has touched so many people (she made one evaluator cry). Technically she is not a titled DSR dog yet as we need to go to a real disaster before we can get our title."
Hooray for Java and Jodie!! You go, girls!!